Magie in Kreta
Oft werden wir gefragt, was wir eigentlich den ganzen Tag machen, wenn wir unterwegs sind. Nun, eins steht fest: Wir tun definitiv nicht „nichts“. Vielmehr lassen wir uns treiben. Und…
Neverhow and why ...
We started the blog in 2010, when we set off on our first of three epic journeys. We wanted our loved ones at home to feel something of our urge for freedom.
This tradition of writing, reporting, and photographing has continued over the years. In the meantime, the websites changed. What remained, however, is the common name:

NIMMERWO (NEVERWHERE), a combination of the mysterious Neverland, and the everyday word no-/anywhere, meaning:
«Where we are right now? In our favorite place, in the middle of nowhere.»
Or, «Somewhere we'll be fine to sleep tonight.»
Or else, «Nowhere is more beautiful than here.»
On, you'll find the collected pieces of more than 12 years of
So we hope you enjoy exploring these pages!

We are
Simon and Seraina. Welcome to Neverwhere! Here we present you our world stories

On Tour with us
On our blog, you will learn how we follow the flow of life. With serenity and trust, at home in Switzerland, as well as far away.

Travel Videos
Check out our gimmicks on Youtube, our travels in moving pictures.
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