Epic Journey 2016-18,  USA

Road Trip USA California to Washington

Road Trip USA – Epic Journey 2016-18 Part VI

Cali-Yel komplett
It's been a month now since we left our house in the Colombian Caribbean between the banana and mango trees. It is now bookable on Airbnb and is called, how could it be otherwise: Bananatree in the Mangovillage.
Only a month? It feels like it's been at least an eternity longer. What was it like again, building and sculpting every day? To have the sun in the sky for so long? To be full of plans and goals every day?
A month later and right today we are without a goal. Wait, that's not quite right. Our goal is to have crossed the States and Canada in two months to meet my parents in Montreal in September. A distant goal. Time feels aimless. And because we are (almost) without a goal or plan, I have decided to enjoy the days.
Our daily routine looks something like this: Driving around in our Ford van from morning to night, stopping in the evening in a piece of forest, hopefully with a fireplace (it's great that you're allowed to camp for free in the National Forest), cooking or grilling something with the gas stove, drinking a bottle of wine or an India Pale Ale, watch the fire or an episode of 'Twin Peaks' and then fly through wild dreams in the built-in queen bed and occasionally be woken up by a cardboard-and-plastic-eating mouse that slipped into the car (however they manage that).
In the morning we drink coffee, either accompanied by quesadilla-bean-eggs or if it has to be faster with toasted bread, marmalade, honey, and peanut butter (the latter of course only for me). And off we go, launching ship, exploring the world and forests.
That is definitely nice! But today I feel like spending an afternoon not driving, but stopping at a mountain lake, going for a swim, sitting in the sun, and writing something again. 
This morning we went to the place where Twin Peaks was filmed. That is of course the reason why we are watching the weird series again.
We didn't meet Dale Cooper and despite the map, we didn't find the sheriff's station and the famous town sign. It doesn't matter, it's just a fantasy anyway, and a 25-year-old one at that.
The places Snoqualmie and North Bend are very beautiful. They are reminiscent of the Swiss Alps: warm now in summer, with lakes, endless fir forests, mountain peaks, and flowery meadows where several chairlifts give evidence of an overcrowded winter, children with their ski instructors and parents skiing leisurely and then enjoying a drink in the sunbathing area.
But now it is quiet. The village is in a 'summer sleep'. But it is quite different at the campsites. 
A month ago we spent the first nights in Las Vegas; for the first in a long time not only surrounded by Latinos. Very different from Colombia, many more people here are overweight, and especially in Las Vegas, many are in wheelchairs, even those my age. Las Vegas attracts people from all over the world. There is no shortage of dining options. However, the casinos are destroying so many souls, which can be felt on the streets. Despair and homelessness everywhere.
I am shocked, try to understand, and am even more shocked. To top it off, I am sitting on the bus with a hospital escapee. He is wrapped in white linen with 'hospital patches' all over his chest and head. I feel like I'm in a movie. When we tell people we've been to Las Vegas, some locals shake their heads, others' eyes start to glaze over and they talk about the fun you can have there. That's Las Vegas. I guess.
We fly on to San Francisco and get into the middle of a huge parade in Oakland, a jubilant celebration of thousands and thousands of fans of the Warriors. The local basketball team is the annual champion. We enjoy the scene, despite 20-kilo luggage on our backs, the overjoyed people, all in blue and gold, the beaming superstars passing by on the floats, waving coolly to the fans. We are warmly welcomed by our friend Ben, also a Warriors fan. We go out for Ethiopian food and spend a fabulous night with him and his friends. 
Bens lustige Katze Ninja
Ben's funny cat Ninja
We take the Greyhound bus to Ukiah, about 3 hours north of San Francisco, where Geoff picks us up. We visit him for the fifth or sixth time. Since he is moving away in two weeks and it is summer, we spend a good party time in Boonville, where everybody greets each other and after a few days we already feel like locals.
Bei Geoff
At Geoff's

Simon's Diary

July 6 - Olympic Peninsula
After two weeks in Anderson Valley (where we visited friends, redeemed our van, and prepared for the road trip) we left the day before yesterday. Via Ukiah up to the foggy Crescent City. In the middle of the city, a small music festival was organized for the 4th of July, the national holiday.
Again conspicuous: many poor people. Lots of fat people, from young to old. Outside at St. Georges Point directly at the sea, we found a free camping site. Here the fireworks were only softly to be heard.
The next day we started early. Through the cool fog, we drove up the Pacific coast of Oregon and visited an old lighthouse at the westernmost point of Oregon (the USA?).
Only in the afternoon, when we turned inland, did it clear up. After the small hamlet of "Swisshome", the sun was shining over a beautiful open valley. This time we stayed overnight at a rest stop on the highway to Portland.
The next day, this morning, we drove briefly through Portland, of which Geoff had already told us many positive things. First impression: Small city at the river with many bridges - and homeless people.
We drove further into the Olympic National Forest, an hour across the forest until we finally reached the targeted free campground in the middle of nowhere.
This is where we are now. Finally, take a break and breathe deeply before continuing tomorrow or the day after.
Die fabelhafte Geschichte eines russischen Einsiedlers, der Jahrzehnte alleine im Wald im Anderson Valley verbrachte.
The fabulous story of a Russian hermit who spent decades alone in the woods in Anderson Valley.
Hier lebte der Hendy Hermit
Here lived the Hendy Hermit
Full of joy and with my heart I greet all the strangers that cross my path as we drive further north. But the world is changing, many do not or hardly greet, one rather avoids the eye. Since I no longer understand this after Colombia and California because we are all human beings, I continue to greet, on purpose 🙂 .
But there are also exceptions: A gentleman who starts chatting with us in the supermarket; a family man we meet at the lake, very interested in Switzerland, who gives us donuts and beer; a local, whom we ask about the next water refill possibility, gives us his 10-liter water canister and two beers and additionally provides us with several tips for beautiful places.
Alaska is canceled. Cold is canceled and too much driving is canceled. Since we have to wait for our vehicle license to drive to Canada, we enjoy Washington State, which turns out to be surprisingly beautiful with lots of forests and lakes.

Ideal when it is summer and the sky is as blue as turquoise. We now see to it that we don't lose all our Colombian color right away and realize that it is very easy to get fat here.

Kurios. Das sehenswerte, Bayern nachahmende Leavenworth
Curious and worth seeing: Leavenworth imitating Bavaria
Plans change. Every day. Each time we look at a book or a map. We want to take more time for all the different landscapes and regions and not just visit them from inside the car. Meanwhile, Canada is also canceled and we make plans for Idaho and the Rockies.
Im Olympic Nationalpark
In Olympic National Park

Simon's Diary

July 18 - Somewhere in Washington
Yesterday we met Richard in Rockport, a small village. He has been traveling through North America for 22 years and was able to give us a lot of good tips. Let's see what I remember.
  • West Yellowstone Village: At the end of the village drive further into the forest, past the "No Camping" signal. Good camping spot in the woods near the national park.
  • Something about Garber. Must be on the other side of the park.
  • Near Jackson in the National Forest good camp spot not far from Grand Teton National Park.
  • New York: In Brooklyn, you can camp on the street. For a few days at least. Along a lake?
  • Washington DC: Camping is possible in the north and south of the city. Free parking in the city. Super museums, like the Aerospace and the Smithsonian's Mineral Collections.
Richard is an interesting dude. He retired for the last time at 42 and has been traveling between the east and west coasts, Alaska and Mexico ever since.
We're headed for Colville today, then on to Idaho, Montana, Wyoming...

Epic Journey 2016-18

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Epic Journey 2016-18

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